The Transition: AR News & Updates

Friday, February 2, 2024

Jerry Simpson firing the starting cannon at a USARA National Championship race.

Jerry Simpson, a long-time fixture in the Adventure Race community, passed away on January 31. He and his wife Sherry, known as the “Sportraxx Couple,” maintained a streak of racing or volunteering at 20 plus events for 15 years including the USARA National Championship. Described as a “big man with big heart,” Jerry threw himself into everything he did, whether hiking in the Pacific Northwest, bowling a perfect game, or being a devoted husband, father and grandfather.

Jerry, the entire Adventure Race community thanks you for being a part of our sport.

The Gear Shed

Mobility Exercises for the Dainty Dancers

Karyn Dulaney demonstrates multiple ways to keep those metatarsal movers moving with multiple mobility moves.

News from the Adventure/Endurance World


Rogaine: Strategic Orienteering


Checking in on our Feet