In the spirit of adventure racing’s collaborative nature, we value the strength of diversity. Adventure racing exists because of the different skills, backgrounds, and mindsets of its participants.
We embrace inclusion as an action, rather than simply an ideal.
We support and cultivate broad representation in all aspects of the sport.
We expect our participants to welcome and respect each other no matter their gender identity, race, age, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, political affiliation, or level of racing experience.
Adventure racing brings us close to a variety of natural surroundings, which we respect and preserve, as we do each other.
USARA affirms that people of all gender identities should have the freedom to participate in the division in which they feel most comfortable and safe based on their gender identity and should be recognized, respected, and included at every level of the sport.
USARA is wholeheartedly committed to promoting the inclusion of transgender, intersex, and all gender-nonconforming individuals in adventure racing.
USARA aims to create a fully inclusive LGBTQIA+ friendly culture in adventure racing, free from discrimination, harassment, or victimization.
No person will be treated less favorably on the grounds of their gender identity, gender expression, or sexuality.
USARA will not condone transphobia at events or on any digital channels overseen by USARA, including blog comments, social media, forums, etc.
USARA will respect and honor the personal pronouns and names of all individuals, regardless of government or other official documentation.
USARA sees this policy as a living document, one that will evolve and grow with our community. We commit to learning from and with adventure racers around the country to ensure that our policies and practices are inclusive and equitable.
This policy applies to all USARA-affiliated and -sanctioned events as well as the USARA National Championship.
USARA members and race organizers should comply with and adopt this policy and accompanying guidance as a minimum standard for their events.
Adventure racers should be welcomed on a “no questions asked”’ basis. If an athlete chooses to discuss their gender identity history, this information must be treated with the utmost confidentiality and only shared with the permission of the athlete.
USARA affirms that gender affirming surgery and hormones, as well as other medicines that may help an individual's expression align with their identity, are complex processes based on genuine medical need. It is not something people undertake lightly, nor in order to gain competitive advantage.
Adventure racers will be welcomed on the same “no-questions-asked” basis at all USARA-affiliated and sanctioned events.
Events sanctioned under other governing bodies, in the US or internationally, may be subject to additional and potentially different transgender policies.
USARA events commonly have three basic divisions – men’s, women’s and mixed – that default to using the gender binary to determine participation in each division. However, we recognize not all individuals’ gender identities are binary, and a gender binary default for participation could potentially make some individuals feel excluded and unsafe. Accordingly, within these divisions as they currently exist, USARA will not discriminate on the basis of gender identity, regardless of sex assigned at birth, or any other form of gender expression for participation in any division.
We affirm that people of all gender identities should have the freedom to participate in the division in which they feel most comfortable and safe based on their gender identity and should be recognized, respected, and included at every level of the sport.
An adventure racer’s self-declared gender at registration will be accepted on a “no-questions-asked” basis, regardless of governmental or other documentation.
It is important to note and use the pronouns for an individual, and not to make assumptions. Racers and race directors should default to asking people how they would like to be addressed - e.g. he/she/they, etc.
During a USARA-affiliated or -sanctioned event, any racers who commit acts of discrimination or harassment against members of LGBTQIA+ communities will receive a verbal warning, which will be documented with USARA. A second infraction in any setting will result in being disqualified from the event.
During a USARA-affiliated or -sanctioned event, any volunteers or other personnel affiliated with the event who commit acts of discrimination or harassment against members of LGBTQIA+ communities will be asked to leave the event. A second infraction in any setting will result in being disqualified from the event.
Any person who commits acts of discrimination or harassment against members of LGBTQIA+ communities on digital channels overseen by USARA will be asked to remove their discriminatory comment. A second infraction in any setting will result in being blocked from the platform.
Further infractions will result in suspensions or bans from USARA-affiliated or -sanctioned events, at the discretion of the USARA board and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion task force.
USARA will have an appointed representative or group of representatives whom transgender individuals can contact, for confidential guidance on any matter. Their responsibilities include:
Undergoing basic training to understand the considerations surrounding transgender athletes
Managing any queries with regard to transgender individuals participating in adventure racing
Recognizing the confidentiality obligations that are associated with transgender individuals
Undertaking all communication with the individual concerned, only sharing information on an as needed basis
The USARA Transgender Liaison can be contacted via DEIrep@usara.com.
If members of the USARA community would like to get involved in diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts, please reach out to info@usara.com.